A Spring Journey

Today’s post is linked up to Mama Kat’s Writers’ Workshop. After reading and commenting on my post, stop by Mama Kat’s site and check out some other writers’ work!Mama’s Losin’ It

I like to walk with my camera; the simple act of carrying a camera puts a new perspective on the most ordinary parts of my day. In a post last year, I took an exercise walk at dusk and documented simple encounters. This set of photos, taken on a quick walk around my school building during my prep period, took on a life of its own as I began to compose the photo essay.

Sometimes life has mud puddles and we just have to walk through them to get where we’re going.

Or potholes that may even break us for a while.

There are disappointments…

and sometimes we have to prune our hopes so that we can grow.

Life can be pregnant with possibilities…

or we can be almost past our prime.

The early bird probably does catch more worms…

but late bloomers have resilience in the face of showier neighbors.

There are those who display magnificent color for a short time…

and those who are in it for the long haul, despite the conditions.

“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Image via needthyme.blogspot.com

10 responses

  1. Beautiful photographer! Love how your post went from black and white to the vividly colored pictures!

    Visiting from Mama Kat’s today.

  2. Those flowers are beautiful!

    1. Barbara, I loved your post about drinking coffee from a bowl in France. Unfortunately, Blogger won’t let me comment — I don’t know why. Thanks for stopping by, though!

  3. You are so right that carrying the camera makes you see the world differently. Love this post! Visiting from Mama Kat’s.

  4. Love how you wrote this – like a really cool coffee table book! Visiting from Mama Kat’s 🙂 Great job!

    1. Apparently I was logged in incorrectly…here’s my right website url!

  5. Nicely done! I like the perspective you added for each picture. The weeds sure are in it for the long haul.

  6. Hey Jennie! Love it! I love the idea of a photo walk, especially when it tells a story. I should do that when I have time…..

    1. The group of photos I took just seemed to create a story by their own volition. Why don’t you give the girls a camera and see what photos they take? Sometimes a new perspective is all one needs.

  7. […] My Mom Were a Blogger and A Spring Journey were part of Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop and got a lot of traffic. Maybe you’d […]

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